OpenPlant Modeler Help

Create Repository

Used to create an ISM (Integrated Structural Model) repository by exporting Structural members to the ISM environment. The exported repository file (*.ism.dgn), is available to be opened and reviewed with Structural Synchronizer.

Accessed from:
  • Ribbon: Structural > Exchange > Create Repository

Selecting the tool opens a save as dialog (Create Repository) with the file type filter set to *.ism.dgn. Here you can specify the repository name and change the file location. By default, the repository has the same name as the active dgn file with the *.ism.dgn extension, and is located in the same folder as the active dgn.

Key-in: SMC ISM CREATEREPOSITORY [ ism repository ]
Tip: Use the key-in argument ism repository to export a Structural model to an ISM repository with a single key-in. For instance, SMC ISM CREATEREPOSITORY c:\ism\sample.ism.dgn.